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Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2025 (Spring Edition)
Date:13 – 16 April
Booth Number:5E-D09
Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2024 (Autumn Edition)
Date:13 – 16 October
Booth Number:3F-E15
Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2024 (Spring Edition)
Date:13 – 16 April
Booth Number:5E-C05
Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2023 (Autumn Edition)
Date:13 – 16 October
Booth Number:3F-C25
Announcement : 2019.11.06
FIME 2024
Date:19 – 21 June
Booth Number:V91
Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2024 (Spring Edition)
Date:13 – 16 April
Booth Number:5E-C05
As the announcement we made on November 18,2019,We,HIVOX BIOTEK INC(ハイボックス). have filed a request to Tokyo District Court against MTG CO., LTD for transferring the registration of patent rights on November 25,2019. The content of lawsuit is described as below: The Japan patent of No.6367510(Invention Name: Electrical Muscle Stimulator) obtained by MTG on July 13,2018,which is invented by HIVOX, and the real ownership of this patent should belong to HIVOX, instead of MTG。Therefore, according to Article 74, Paragraph 1 of Japanese Patent Law, we are going to ask MTG to proceed transferring the registration of patent rights. his matter Case No. 2019 (Wa) 31684 is still pending in 46th Civil Division of Tokyo District Court,which is one of the specialized departments of intellectual property.his matter Case No. 2019 (Wa) 31684 is still pending in 46th Civil Division of Tokyo District Court,which is one of the specialized departments of intellectual property.
先に2019年11月18日付でお知らせしたように、当社(HIVOX BIOTEK INC ハイボックス)は2019年11月25日、日本の株式会社MTGに対する特許権の移転登録手続請求事件を東京地方裁判所に提起いたしました。訴訟の内容は、株式会社MTGが2018年7月13日に取得した特許第6367510号特許(発明の名称:筋肉電気刺激装置)は、当社の発明を内容とするものであり、真の特許権者は当社であることから、日本国特許法74条1項を原因とする移転登録手続をせよ、というものです。本件は、知的財産の専門部の一つである東京地方裁判所民事46部に、事件番号令和元年(ワ)第31684号として係属しました。
如我司(HIVOX BIOTEK INC ハイボックス)於2019年11月18日所公告的,我司已於2019年11月25日,向東京地方法院提起了針對日本MTG公司的關於專利權登錄轉移的訴訟手續。 訴訟內容為:MTG公司於2018年7月13日取得的專利第6367510號(發明名稱:肌肉電刺激裝置),為我司的發明內容,我司為此項專利的真正所有者,因此依照日本國專利法第74條1項,要求MTG公司進行專利權轉移的登錄手續。 本案件,由東京地方法院專門負責知識產權案件的民事第46部進行審理中。案件號碼為令和元年(ワ)第31684號。
We, HIVOX BIOTEK INC. (New Taipei City, Taiwan) formally state that we have developed TENS & EMS products with One-Piece structure since 2010, and already own several patents in many countries, including TW 355951, CN ZL0140059, JP 3158303 & USA 8.463.388. However, there are some counterfeiters who are making and distributing the products which infringing on our intellectual property. In order to protect our intellectual property, we will take legal actions against counterfeiters. We officially declare that, any company who intend to counterfeit our product or infringe our intellectual property, PLEASE STOP THESE UNLAWFUL ACTIONS IMMEDIATELY.
当社(HIVOX BIOTEK INC ハイボックス)が発明した一枚式TENS&EMS製品は、2010年以来台湾(特許番号TW355951)、中国(CN ZL0140059)、日本(実用新案JPU 3158303)、アメリカ(USA 8.463.388)で特許を取得しました。現在、これらに関する多くの模造品が製造および販売されていることを把握しています。 当社は知的財産権や利益を守るためにすべての法的措置を講じます。模造の意図を持つ者、権利侵害をする者に、侵害行為や意図を直ちに停止するよう求めます。当社が発明した一枚式TENS&EMS製品は、2010年以来台湾(特許番号TW355951)、中国(CN ZL0140059)、日本(実用新案JPU 3158303)、アメリカ(USA 8.463.388)で特許を取得しました。現在、これらに関する多くの模造品が製造および販売されていることを把握しています。 当社は知的財産権や利益を守るためにすべての法的措置を講じます。模造の意図を持つ者、権利侵害をする者に、侵害行為や意図を直ちに停止するよう求めます。
我司(HIVOX BIOTEK INC ハイボックス)所研發一片式TENS & EMS 產品,自2010年已取得TW發明355951號、CN ZL0140059號、JP 3158303號、USA 8.463.388號、等多國專利,目前已知眾多仿冒者正在進行仿冒的製造與銷售中。 我司對所有侵權者,將一切會以法律行動來維護自身權益,於此鄭重聲明,警告意圖仿冒、侵權等不法者,請當立即停止侵權意圖之行為。我司所研發一片式TENS & EMS 產品,自2010年已取得TW發明355951號、CN ZL0140059號、JP 3158303號、USA 8.463.388號、等多國專利,目前已知眾多仿冒者正在進行仿冒的製造與銷售中。 我司對所有侵權者,將一切會以法律行動來維護自身權益,於此鄭重聲明,警告意圖仿冒、侵權等不法者,請當立即停止侵權意圖之行為。
全球最大的美國消費性電子展(CES),每年在美國拉斯維加斯展開,為各界產業人士揭開年度重點方向,除了消費性電子產品發布重點,其布局方向涵蓋健康、醫療、穿戴裝置與家用監控設備其相關的創新應用落實,引領當下電子產業進入 5G 時代的國際重點展會,技術趨勢關注焦點。
韓國國際醫療設備展覽會 KIMES由Korea E & Ex Inc公司與韓國醫療設備行業協會、韓國醫療設備工業聯合委員會聯合舉辦,並通過國際展覽聯盟(UFI)認證的專業展覽會。該展旨在推動韓國與世界,特別是亞洲各鄰國醫療行業對外貿易交流與合作,為東方醫藥、醫療設備產業提供一個面向全球的舞臺,通過展會的交流和貿易洽談促進世界對東方醫藥和醫療設備行業的瞭解,擴大國際化發展的空間,提供更多的國際貿易機會。
MEDICA為全球醫療器材指標性的展覽會,也是全球規模最大的國際醫療器材展,辦理已超過40年,是拓展歐洲醫療器材市場的平台,更是接觸全球醫材產業與買主的最佳平台。含6500家以上參展廠商,展覽項目:醫療實驗室設備、診斷儀器、藥品類、物理治療、復健保健用品設備、醫療耗材、醫療織品、消耗性醫療商品、電子醫療器材、醫療類家具器材、手術台相關設備、醫療類家具器材、醫院方面之醫療資訊科技,參訪人數約為 13 萬人次。
亞洲最具指標性之國際醫療展分別位於曼谷與新加坡交替舉辦,自 1997 年,此已是醫療保健廠家進入東南亞展之首選展會,藉此增加商業貿易機會, 更向外擴展業務至新加坡及東南亞之市場,參展廠商: 共 1,050 家,來自 62 個國家,參觀買主: 共 14,000 名專業參觀者,來自 70 個國家。
The Taiwan Boutique Pavilion, Taiwan's first permanent exhibition hall jointly created by the Bureau of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council, and the Taipei City Government, officially opened its doors at the southern entrance of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. The pavilion showcases hundreds of world-renowned Taiwanese boutique items, aiming to become a showcase for Taiwan's innovative designs and a new tourist attraction through technology, cultural creativity, and multimedia interaction. The design of the pavilion integrates aesthetics, design, and technology, offering visitors an experience of technological aesthetics in a new setting.
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the world's largest exhibition for consumer electronics, takes place annually in Las Vegas, USA. It sets the direction for various industries each year, focusing not only on the launch of consumer electronic products but also on innovative applications in areas such as health, medical devices, wearable devices, and home monitoring equipment. CES leads as an international key exhibition guiding the electronics industry into the 5G era, with a spotlight on technological trends and focal points of interest.
The Hong Kong Spring and Autumn Electronics Fairs are held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). Each session gathers over 3,500 exhibitors showcasing the latest electronic products, information, and communication technologies to global trade buyers. The previous edition attracted over 98,000 buyers from 151 countries and regions, making it a significant event for procurement and exploration in the electronics industry.
The Hong Kong Spring and Autumn Electronics Fairs are held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). Each edition features over 3,500 exhibitors showcasing the latest electronic products, information, and communication technologies to global trade buyers. The previous edition collectively attracted more than 98,000 buyers from 151 countries and regions, who visited to explore and make purchases.
The exhibition is organized by the American Home Goods Manufacturers Association, with annual sales exceeding over $200 billion since its inception in 1928. It is the largest and most professional home goods exhibition in the United States. Under the long-term management of the organizer, it has attracted 2,200 exhibitors. Additionally, it draws more than 55,000 buyers from the United States and 5,000 buyers from 125 other countries annually for visiting and procurement purposes.
KIMES, the Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show, is jointly organized by Korea E & Ex Inc, the Korean Medical Devices Industry Association, and the Korea Medical Devices Industrial Cooperative Association. It is a professional exhibition certified by the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI). The exhibition aims to promote trade exchange and cooperation in the medical industry between Korea and the world, especially with neighboring Asian countries. It provides a global platform for the Oriental medicine and medical equipment industries, facilitating international understanding through exchanges and trade negotiations during the exhibition. KIMES expands opportunities for international trade, fostering the internationalization and development of the Oriental medicine and medical equipment sectors.
MEDICA is a premier global exhibition for medical equipment and has been held for over 40 years. It is the world's largest international trade fair for medical equipment and serves as a platform for expanding into the European medical equipment market. It is also considered the best platform for connecting with global medical device industries and buyers. With over 6,500 exhibitors, MEDICA showcases a wide range of products including medical laboratory equipment, diagnostic devices, pharmaceuticals, physical therapy and rehabilitation equipment, medical consumables, medical textiles, disposable medical products, electronic medical devices, medical furniture and equipment for hospitals, surgical equipment, and medical information technology. The exhibition attracts approximately 130,000 visitors, making it a key event for networking, business opportunities, and discovering innovations in the global medical equipment industry.
The most iconic international medical exhibitions in Asia alternate between Bangkok and Singapore. Since 1997, these exhibitions have been the premier choice for healthcare manufacturers entering the Southeast Asian market. They serve to enhance commercial trade opportunities and expand business into the markets of Singapore and Southeast Asia.
The exhibitions feature a total of 1,050 exhibitors from 62 countries, attracting 14,000 professional visitors from 70 countries. They play a crucial role in facilitating networking, business development, and market expansion within the region's healthcare sector.
FIME is the largest professional exhibition for medical equipment and devices in the United States. Located near the Caribbean, it attracts a large number of exhibitors, buyers, and attendees from Latin America. It serves as a crucial platform for developing emerging markets in Central and South America, as well as the Caribbean. The event hosts over 1,500 exhibitors from 38 countries and regions, drawing 20,234 professional buyers.
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